15 Dec 2013




  1. Take a  bowl and add 1/4 cup of just warm water. dissolve your dry yeast in it.then add 2 tbspn of flour. mix well and keep aside for 10-15 min
  2. In a bowl, mix flour, salt .
  3. Add sugar , milk. and olive oil to the flour and mix. add yeast mixture

  4. Make a smooth dough. Knead for 5 minutes. Keep aside covered with a wetted towel. Preferably in a warm place. I keep inside the oven with oven light ON. After an hour or 1 & 1/2 hour, the dough would have doubled and risen.
  5. punching the dough and remove the air bubbles out. then let it ferment for one more  time. keep in the same place  by covering with same cloth. for  1/2 hr

    6.   spread some flour on the flat surface 

Roll pizza dough into a rectangle the length of your baking sheet. It can be wider than the sheet because you will be folding the sides in. Place the dough on the baking sheet and let the sides hang off.

Put sauce on the center half of the dough.


Just like pizza, add your toppings (our favorites are pepperoni, olives, and mushrooms). Calzones can be a good way to use up leftovers. Any small amounts of meat, cheese and vegetables can be put into the calzone.


Then add cheese.


Now comes the special part. Cut the dough on the sides at about 3/4 inch intervals. Don't cut all the way to the filling.


This is what it looks like when all the cuts are made.


Then "wrap the baby." (That's what my friend said it looked like when I showed her how to make this recipe!) Start at the bottom and alternating sides, overlap the strips of dough onto the filling in a lattice pattern. You can stretch the pieces to fit all the way over the filling.


Here is the calzone ready to bake. Bake your calzone at 375° F (190° C) for about 25-30 minutes.


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