26 Nov 2013

BADAM 'N' CASHEW BALLS - a tea time recipe

BADAM 'N' CASHEW BALLS - a tea time recipe
Try this sweet and yummy balls recipe!!!

Badam - 1 cup

Cashew nuts - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 1/2 cup
Milk - 2 tsp
Ghee - 5 tsp
Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
Water 1 cup


Step 1

Soak badams and cashew nuts in warm water for 1 hours. Peel the skin of the badams.15

Step 2

Grind the badams and cashew nuts into fine paste, with adding 2 tsp of milk.

Step 3

Heat a pan melt the sugar with the 1 cup of water. Add the ground badam and cashew paste and stir well to avoid any lumps.

Step 4

Add ghee at regular intervals. The ghee will immediately get incorporated in the mixture. Keep stirring and cooking till the mixture gets slightly thick.

Step 5

Add the cardamom powder and vanilla essence. Switch of the heat and allow them to cool. Make small balls with this mixture.

Step 6

The yummy badam and cashew balls are ready.

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