1 Dec 2013

Mango Lemonade

Mango Lemonade

Makes 4 drinks
Prep 5 min

½ cup fresh mango puree / mango pulp
1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon sugar, or to taste
2 ½ cups water, divided

Blend mango puree, lemon juice and 2 cups water in an electric blender; transfer to a pitcher.

Meanwhile, microwave ½ cup water and sugar on high power for 30 seconds; stir to dissolve and add to the mango juice in the pitcher. Chill mixture until ready to serve.

To serve, pour into tall, chilled jars (I used left over jam jars) or glasses filled with ice. Stir to enjoy.

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